

“THE GESTURE WITHERS FOR WANT”: Reading Arun Kolatkar’s ‘the boatride’ in: A History of Punctuation in English Literature (edited by Elizabeth Bonapfel et al.). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press (forthcoming)

“Pearls of a Rare Hue: Partition Histories in Manto’s Necropolis” in: Feminist Trans/Formations: Media, Art, Literature (edited by Silvana Carotenuto, et al). Napoli: UniorPress, 2024 (p. 185-196)

(ed. with Florian Schybilski) Special Issue: “Modernities in the Contact Zone. Translating Across Unfamiliar Objects” in: Kairos: A Journal of Critical Symposium. Vol. 8. No. 1 (2023)
Introduction: Unfamiliar Objects, Dialogic Translations (with Florian Schybilski) (p. 1-9)
Essays towards Dialogicity: Response to Abiral Kumar, Souradeep Roy, Sainico Ningthoujam, Michelle Stork and Rita Maricocchi (with Florian Schybilski) (p. 108-129)

“Pierce a Diamond First”: Negotiating with Kabir’s “Modern” Translations in: Minor Perspectives on Modernity Beyond Europe (edited by Y. Attia, J. Hirsch, K. Samson). Baden Baden: Ergon, 2023, 53-69


ASHKARI/LUDOLOGY (chapbook), Cutt Press (Summer 2024)

“summer corpora”, “at thirty”, and “berlin dream ledger” in The Bombay Literary Magazine (April 2024)

“fermentations”, “Who will tell Knausgård”, “Jatinga”, and “I dream of bananas in Delhi” in The Bombay Literary Magazine (August 2022)

“Kathmandu” and “Fever” in nether quarterly (August 2020) [PDF]

“Jogighopa” and “Ravine” in Vayavya (October 2019)

“Pigeon Flying” in Eclectica (January 2019)

“genesis” in Fearsome Critters (April 2018) [page 100]

“late night television” and “a haunting in autumn” in Eclectica (April 2018)

notes on trains and planes” in The Bombay Literary Magazine (March 2018)

Notes on Sampling Mate Brands in Berlin” in Vayavya (October 2017)

bongaigaon” in Jaggery (August 2017; via the Wayback Machine)

she tells him of her fears in Rattle (July 2017)

Benares Poems in The Sunflower Collective (June, 2017)

Fragment of “Genesis” listed as a “dismal” one in Keki N Daruwalla’s column in The Hindu (No; the humorous part is not mine)

Snow” poems in The Sunflower Collective (Feb, 2017)

Pericles in Exile” in FU Review (2016)

Growing Up” in Vayavya (2013)


Press release for Susumu Kamijo’s Perrotin Seoul show “ALONE WITH EVERYBODY” (April 2022) [PDF]

delhi; open for Xenia (2018)

A Ducan in Split for Center for Peripheries (2022) [pdf]